Sunday, January 8, 2012

No Single Model with Kathy Munoz

 Part 1) 1/8/2012  9pm 

The model we create has to:
- reflect ICF core competencies
- flexible
- work with the needs of the clients

By having a clear model, clients will know what to expect and be able to determine if our way of coaching will work well for them (directive? gradual steps?).

 Part 2) 1/15/2012  9pm 


Values must be identified before a model can be made.

Parts of a model:
1. Identifying the Client’s Values/Goals:
-         Am I hearing you right?
-         Active Listening
-         Underlying beliefs

2. Exploring Options:
-         Provide Information from websites, readings, assessment

3. Checking–in:
-         Is the client moving forward?
-         Are the actions in alignment with goals and values?
-         Timeline, is client on course?
-         What are you taking away? What did you learn from today?
-         Celebrate achievements
  1. Identify the problem/issues
  2. Need for change, why?
  3. Self-awareness, power to change, motivations
  4. Values/beliefs, aligned with mission statement?
  5. Application, learning
Skills used in Identifying the Situation:
-         Safe space, trusting space allows clients to share. If not trusting the client will be closed, will be hard to get them to move to next level, may go through motions, but little actual movement towards goals.
-         Active listening
-         Powerful questions
Skills used in Realizing the Need for Change:
-         Listening
-         Powerful questions
-         Values evaluation
Skills used in creating Self-Awareness:
-         Reframing perspectives
-         Creating awareness
-         Self-management
Skills used in applying Beliefs and Values:
-         Values and purposes
-         Underlying beliefs
-         Releasing judgments
Skills used in Application of Learning:
-         Self-development plan
-         Self-directed learning structures
-         Acknowledgement
-         Accountability, coach holds them accountable for achieving or keeping on track with what they want

How long will you be working with a client? It differs. 12 weeks sometimes, 6 weeks other times, sometimes on going

Google: Coaching Models (some use graphic designs to show models)

Model helps you structure the coaching session
  1. You tell them about yourself
  2. They tell you about why they came to get coaching
  3. You provide a summary (“You are looking to…” “You are worried about…”)
  4. What do you want to focus on of the things you mentioned in the summary? What do you want to accomplish by the end of the next 6/12 weeks? Prioritize. Hold the client accountable to accomplish what they want to accomplish. “How does this…affect your goal of…” “Are you sticking to your original target goal?” This provides structure and accountability.
  5. Client identifies solution.
  6. Check-in: What do you want to want client to walk away with? What did you take away?

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