Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Creating Trust with Kathy Munoz

Part 1) 1/21/2012  9am Kathy

How do you get the client to trust in a scary world (especially in a short period of time)?  How do we convince our clients that we are there because we want to be there, we want to help them be the best they can be, not just for the money?  How do we show them that this time and space is for them? How can we convince them that we are their biggest cheerleader? How can we get them tyo a place where they will share their deepest feelings and goals?
- be genuine
- powerful listening
- genuine interest
- being non judgmental
- be curious (replace assumptions with curiosity)
- allow space for trust or truth
- use the coaching approach
- create a model, brand that focuses on providing a trusting, safe space
- engage with the person’s humanity (I never met a man I couldn’t like.)

What does it mean to trust?
- comfortable to bring out innermost feelings
- be our authentic self
- know not being judged
- feel safe
- feel like there is a commitment to my well-being
- in the hands of an expert
- balance challenging with support

What made you feel comfortable in a coaching session?
- coach was focused on me (not sharing to many personal stories)
- a trusting space was created first through sharing some about each other. The first session starts off with coach saying that this is not going to be a regular coaching session, but rather a chance to get to know each other and see if a good fit.  Allows rapport to be established and a connection to be made before to much in depth sharing goes on.

Coach determines the process, but the client determines the content/agenda:
- goals they set
- value they wish to align their life with
- skills they want to develop

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