- What would you like to acknowledge yourself for 2011? What is something you achieved, learned, changed, made a decision? got college application out, sold house, moved into a new home, smoked less, worked on anxiety, tried to be more positive, explored Reiki, did community service
- When you can't receive, you can't give.
- Acknowledgement inspires you forward.
- How do clients accept acknowledgment? This tells a lot about clients.
- Consider the cultural aspects of acknowledgement. How does culture see acknowledgement? Does it make client comfortable or uncomfortable? Does it support the client?
- Acknowledgment can be a great re-framing tool. Acknowledgement can be used to make a moment into an ah-ha moment.
- Critical feedback: can use sandwich technique (positive acknowledgement, critical feedback, positive acknowledgment).
- Acknowledgment can be a powerful gift.
- Can bring about self-awareness. When acknowledged client may see something they thought as normal as actually something out of the ordinary worth being praised.
- Great question to encourage further exploration/clarity: What will it look like?
- What do you want to be acknowledged for in 2012? Being a positive person, sending out positive energy, bringing out positive in others, finishing coaching certification, making huge strides in teaching career (gained teaching experience and seeking out new opportunities), spent quality time with children, attended to my personal health (exercise and eating well)
Part 2) 1/16/2012 9pm
Establish parameters of the session. What are we here to accomplish today? If we were to have a successful session, what would it look like?
Example of husband not showing appreciation towards wife:
- In what ways do you acknowledge your wife?
- What is the need you are feeling to make you want to change?
- When you do show appreciation how does that make you feel?
- Do I hear you saying…?
- What is your biggest take away from the session?
- Energy
- Spontaneous
- Evidence “I have confidence that you can….as you have done it in the past (example).
- Holding the space for the person, holding client to their highest potential.
Acknowledgement: when they are doing their best, allows their best self to grow
Encouragement: at moments of self doubt, drive this doubt away
Celebration: focus on what is good in their life right now
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