Monday, January 9, 2012

Research Paper with Bill Turpin

Part 1) 1/9/2012  1pm

Discussed the requirement of a research paper.
- Requirement for ICF certification
- Should be 1500 to 2000 words.
- Be related to coaching.
- Focus on how you are going to apply the information to your coaching practice. How are you going to use this information in your practice?
- Submit to at least 6 weeks prior to graduating.

Homework: Come up with a few research ideas for next class.

Part 2) 1/16/2012  1pm  Marcie in for Bill

Make sure the topic is specific enough (do not want to be overwhelmed with the topic), but not too specific, so that you can have about 2000 words.

Think about how you can use this research in your practice. Can the information be used to attract people? How can you apply this information to make your business better and to better inform people about coaching?

My topic idea: How does coaching differ from therapy/counseling? In terms of theories, methods, audience, effectiveness, etc. Information can be used to help people understand what coaching is and how it can benefit them. May be able to publish a portion of the paper in local newspaper for increased awareness of the field and my practice.

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